Art Site Horikawa-I


Petar Petrov - artist from Bulgaria

Blue Sky Project展に参加してくださっているブルガリアのPetar Petrovさんから、出品作品の解説として3点の参考作品が送られてきました。本展に出品するのは”Winter Sun”です。せっかくですので、4点セットを見る事が出来るようPetar Petrovさんの掲載コーナーにリンクを張りました。

Petar Petrov - artist from Bulgaria

Dear Michio Norikawa

My picture "Winter Sun" is a part of the series called "Seasons"
The main creative search in the process of work ahd creating these
pictures was to combine the psychological impact with harmony of
colour and to combine the outer world with the spiritual power
The other main creative search in my works is the search for mental
peace and calmness
To get a complete notion about my works, please ,see all my pictures
in the pfotos i am sending you
    1."Winter sun"

    2."Spring flowers"

    3."Memory of summer"

    4."Autumn leaves"